Jul 16, 2010


Whew - River here! It has been so hot and so busy around here with the grandkids. I love them but I am BEAT! Do you ever feel like you just want to lie on the floor and take a nap? Jasper doesn't, but I do.

Jul 13, 2010

Puppies came to visit!

Hi Everyone! We have been VERY busy. We just had more company! The grandkids came to visit for 10 whole days and in case you don't know, "grandkids" in dog language means "lots of treats on the floor!"

You definitely know I love my crate (and Tundra the cat loves my crate too), but Jasper isn't so fond of his. Well, we found someone who loves Jasper's crate! She and her brother locked themselves in it almost every day they were here. They also played puppies and they got really super good at "sit", "shake", "speak", and even ROLL OVER! For the record, me and Jasper do NOT roll over (Jasper still forgets "sit" sometimes) and I was not too excited about being shown up by a kid but since they spilled plenty of treats, I could live with it. Here are pictures of the kids playing puppies! We had fun and we miss them already!