Apr 3, 2011

Mudlucious Plans for Spring

Hi Everyone! Jasper Here! We had company today - 4 Dogs! Mommy says she did what ANY good hostess would do when 4 dogs come to visit - she let EVERYONE go down to the pond to run around and go swimming and get extremely muddy before they had to get in their car to go home. Sorry about your car, Laura!
Anyways, it was MY FIRST TIME down to the pond since the ice melted and OF COURSE I went swimming. Then the BEST thing happened. I found a good place to dig! And BARK. And Dig. And Bark. And Dig. And Bark. Springtime is SO MUCH FUN!
and e.e. cummings never even met me OR my mudholes before he wrote that poem!

1 comment:

  1. Jasper, you have more fun than most people do, including ME! :-)
