Hi Everyone! River here. If you have been reading our blog you know that I love my crate, and that Tundra the cat loves my crate, too. Now you will NEVER guess who ELSE loves my crate! JASPER!
I would not have believed it myself except Mommy just got this photographic evidence. A few weeks ago I was on my favorite chair and she could not find Jasper - he was not on any furniture or curled up in any of his usual spots on the floor, and then she finally found him curled up in the back of MY crate. Then it happened again, and then AGAIN, and Mommy wants to know why Jasper, who makes a BIG LOUD STINK about going in his own crate suddenly starts voluntarily hanging out in my crate! And I want to know why I can't just have my OWN crate to MYSELF! He's goofy!
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