HI Everyone! River Here! I want to dispel the myth that I am a chair potato and share some photos of ME snowshoeing. Don't get me wrong...some of my favorite things are my crate, the oversized chair, and treats...but I AM always up for a good adventure, too!
We went out one morning last week when the sun was shining and it was really cold. Mommy let me and Jasper run off leash and I remembered there is a big deer carcass by the pond. I ran over there and was scraping snow off so I could have a little frozen treat when Mommy showed up. I knew I was busted but I didn't want it to be a TOTAL loss so I rolled over the deer and even scored some deer hair on my own coat before I was snapped back onto the leash! Jasper doesn't seem to care much about deer carcasses but I LOVE them.
Even though I was on the leash, we still had fun! PLUS I got lots of nice naps the rest of the day!