Feb 6, 2010

Brothers stick together!

Hee Hee Hee - Jasper and River here. We might not always get along but we NEVER rat each other out! A couple of nights ago our Dog Dad was fixing a nice dinner for our Dog Mom and he asked her to take the bread out of the oven and put in on the table. So she did and she asked Daddy if she should put it on the empty plate on the corner. Well, first he looked confused and then he looked REALLY mad and said what we think were some bad words and then Mommy looked confused, until he told her that it WAS a plate FULL of freshly shredded aged Parmesan he had grated. The plate was perfectly clean and dry and not a shred of cheese anywhere, and since no one saw anything, neither of us were in trouble! MMMMM We Love Cheese. CHEESE RULES!

1 comment:

  1. River and Jasper, you have great taste in cheese! Next time I see you you'll have to show me how to clean a plate so quietly too!

    Cousin Ripley
