River here to tell you I am NEVER EVER eating deer intestines again, well, at least not until the next chance I get. Whew. Rough night. Here I am, first to admit, all hungover from yesterday's overindulgence!
It was kind of worth it though. Susan and Randy took me, Ripley, and Jasper snowshoeing yesterday afternoon. It was 5:00 pm - right around happy hour - and I stopped by a deer carcass that they didn't even see. I ate as MUCH as I could before Susan came looking for me, and that was like "last call"...even though I had already had too much, I thought I better get one for the road, as they say:
Well Aunt Susan and even RANDY thought this was disgusting but I wanted to keep it. Just a little section of intestine to go... I held on tight but finally the snowballs in my paws were the size of softballs so I stopped to get the snow out and had to drop it and Randy got the intestine away. Mommy says thank goodness, because that probably smelled horrible...but I thought it would get even tastier in a day or so. Maybe it was just as well. I guess I really did overdo it because I spent the night and next morning barfing up deer innards (5 times) and boy, did I feel horrible all day. Yup, I felt bad. And Mommy and Daddy were not exactly happy with me.
Now I've got to say, one REALLY bad part of ANY hangover is when you have to be with someone who is all chipper and NOT hungover! That would be Jasper. HE got to go snowshoeing AGAIN today with Mommy while she left ME home in the mud room (in case I had to, you know, be sick again.) Here is Mr. Goody Two-Shoes on his snowshoe outing today. And like I said, I'm never eating deer again...until next time!

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