Hey, Look what we got! A PACKAGE!
Jasper here. Our foster brother Luke sent us a package! Tennis balls and cookies with frosting and lollipups! Luke is the best. He was the resident dog at our foster home in Ohio and we miss him. He tried to teach me some doggie manners but I was young and wild then and even now I think manners are overrated. But other than that he was a great big brother and he is still nice to us! Sometimes he comes here to camp Run-a-Lot to play! His dog mom and dad are the BEST EVER. They foster other dogs for GRIN and even adopt some of them! Plus they do other stuff like organize things for the GRIN dogs. We miss them lots and hope they come and visit us soon. You should check out GRIN cause they have 9 brand new puppies plus lot of other golden-ish dogs to adopt and if you want to have fun like we do, you might need to adopt a dog. Just make sure they have tennis balls to chew on and lots of dog treats! www.grinrescue.org
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