Lisa's Home! Our dog mom came home yesterday. She was gone for almost a week, but we didn't mind too much because dad gives us whole dog biscuits instead of halves like mom does. Even though we knew she was gone, Jasper still ran to the back of the house to look for her every single day after he finished breakfast, like maybe she came back while he was eating???? As soon as he runs back, I check out his dog dish in case he missed a piece of food. It's been over a year since he last left a piece of food in his dish but hey, you never know, so I check every day! Anyways, as soon as she got home she played with us outside and we chased the red kong disk, went swimming, chased sticks, and chased each other!

Here is a picture of me (River) at the door telling her to hurry up and come out, and a picture of Jasper shaking off after he went swimming in the pond! Look at those ears!
Jasper Here. He should talk, look at how big his paw looks in that photo! Yesterday was fun, and today has ALREADY been a good day! I got everyone up early 'cause I had to go outside. Then I ate, and then I took Lisa on a long run around the big block! I love to run, because I get to move non-stop. Mommy says running is the only time I ever focus, whatever that means.
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