Nov 14, 2009

We Saw Bears!

River here. You won't believe this, I can hardly believe it myself! This morning I was walking with Daddy, Mabel, and Moe, and 5 bears crossed the road in front of us!!!!! One big Momma Bear and 4 cubs. Me, Mabel, and Moe just stopped in our tracks like we couldn't believe what we were seeing. They just kind of wandered out of the woods on the side of the road. We were all too surprised to even bark! I finally recovered enough to let out one of my squeaky barks, and the Momma bear turned and looked at me then looked at her cubs like she was saying "hurry up, kids!" and they took off into the woods across the road. Daddy had all he could do to hold on to us three. Too bad Jasper and Lisa missed the whole thing because they were jogging way ahead of us, but they saw the tracks when they came back. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to be fast!

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